Notice of Rulemaking Link:

The proposed Audit Rule (2.2.2 NMAC) changes have been posted to the OSA website.  There will be a public hearing at the OSA on February 17, 2020 at 1:30 p.m. to discuss the proposed changes.  We would like to receive any written comments on any of the proposed changes prior to that hearing. Comments objecting to the proposed changes or any comments in favor of the proposed changes are welcome.  Please send your comments to Elise Mignardot.

Notice: The draft audit rule is posted below and is subject to change before the hearing date. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the OSA.

Draft Audit Rule Link:

Summary of Proposed Key Changes:

Public Comments

Hearing Date, Location and Time Details:

Date: February 17, 2020

Office of the State Auditor

2540 Camino Edward Ortiz, Suite A

Santa Fe, NM 87507

Time: 1:30 p.m.

If you have additional questions or concerns related to OSA, please feel free to contact Auditor Brian S. Colón.